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Basic H²™ Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate

Tahukah Anda?
Kebanyakan bahan pencuci serbaguna mengandungi toksin yang boleh meresap ke dalam badan melalui kulit atau sistem pernafasan. Bahan pelarut sintetik boleh mengganggu keseimbangan hormon. Bahan pelarut organik seperti butyl cellosolve merupakan sejenis neurotoksin dan bahan yang merengsakan hidung. Morfolin merupakan bahan toksin yang boleh merosakkan hati dan ginjal. Ammonia yang terkandung dalam bahan pencuci kaca merupakan sejenis bahan racun yang merengsakan kulit, mata dan sistem pernafasan.

Pekatan Pencuci Super Organik BASIC H² tidak mengandungi bahan-bahan di atas mahupun bahan-bahan berbahaya yang lain.

jom kita baca sedikit info sharing dari Kak Cery tentang 1001 kegunaan Basic H.

Sebelum ni saya dah share pasal kalau anak 
demam dan sekarang ni nak cite pasal Basic H yang saya sebut dlm post tu...... yang saya suke basic H ni bukan je untuk nak tuam baby kalu baby demam panas..tapi mcm2 lagilah..
.pendek kata 1001 kegunaan...juga boleh meringankan kesakitan especially kesan melecur, mencuci kudis or gatal-gatal pada badan, dan kesan yang paling menakjubkan adalah pada sayur yang layu.... haa.. yang ni paling saya suka... dulu time kat miri biasanya basic H ni guna untuk cuci sayur,cuci botol susu,tuam anak demam(abahnye demam pun..dgn basic H ni juga saya tuam)...kalo jerawat kluar pun saya titik dgn ni...hehe..(basic H ni mmg stok yang wajib kat rumah miri dulu..beli sebotol boleh tahan nak dekat setahun,and now Shaklee dah kluarkan basic H dengan casing yang baru..lagi comel botolnye...double concentrate

Sekarang mari kita tgk eksperimen kesan basic H ke atas sayur yang layu(gambar dan tulisan ihsan dari blog kak Ann.

Ini adalah sayur layu yang saya keluarkan dari peti ais petang tadi.Saya titiskan beberapa titis basic H ke dalam mangkuk dan dicampurkan dengan separuh mangkuk air paip serta dibiarkan selama 15-20 minit 

Selepas itu, hasilnya sayur mula segar ......

Kelihatan kotoran hasil dari semburan pestisid ke atas sayur-sayuran

Kotoran ini yang tersembunyi dari mata kasar kita dan sukar untuk ditemui sekiranya sayur dicuci dengan air paip sahaja.
Ni bukannya buat magik...tapi nak berkongsi benda yang baik.... golden rule..kebaikan akan dibalas kebaikan....

dan nak tahu,
 salah satu product faveret Oprah?..Alaa..Oprah yang glemer tu.... nilah dia produk yg dia suke..taraaaa..Shaklee Basic H2.. This was evident during Oprah's 2007 "Favorite Things" episode, a time usually devoted to pricey electronics and unrealitic purchases, when she raved about an affordable line of "green" cleaning products from Shaklee..

Shaklee Basic H2 ni ada banyak kegunaan..1001 kegunaan tauu... dan saya terjumpe kat website ni..dia listkan 10 experiment dgn Basic H2 ni..macam menarik..jom try:
Basic H2 as toothpaste: Do you have problems with bad breath or gum disease? Are you a smoker or coffee drinker? Add a drop or two to your toothbrush, right on top of your normal dab of toothpaste. Watch as your teeth become whiter and your gums healthier. Your breath may even stay fresh longer, as Basic H fights germs of all sorts. 

Basic H2 as a glove: Cleaning often leaves your hands with something to be desired. Before you get down and dirty, pour a few drops directly onto your hands. Rub them together to coat both hands. After you are done cleaning, wash your hands with traditional soap to find that scum, smell and overall ickiness are nowhere to be found.
Basic H2 as a pesticide: Growing organic produce does wonders for your health and the enviroment, but pesticide-free can still mean bug-free. Dilute your Basic Hto a couple of drops per spray-bottle, then spritz your plants as part of your regular routine. Not only will the bugs stay away but you might also find that they are bigger and healthier, as well.
Basic H2 as Miracle-Gro: Add a few drops to warm water, then water your indoor or outdoor plants. The Basic Hsolution will make the ground soluble to the water, thus making your plants much healthier than with regular water.
Basic H2 as a produce wash: Just 1/8tsp. added to a pint of water will make an effective and safe wash for your produce. Grit and dirt on leafy vegetables are easily removed, and you no longer have to worry about a funny taste remaining on the produce.
Basic H2 for sharpening knives: Once again, only a few drops are enough. Place them on your sharpening stone before you sharpen your knives. The stone will stay moist without clogging.
Basic H2 for stamp collecting: If you've ever tried removing stamps from an envelope, you know that it can be nearly impossible to preserve the quality of the stamp. Not anymore! Coat the inside of the envelope, just behind the stamp, and wait for a few minutes. Soon, the stamp will lift easily from the envelope, ready to be added to your collection.
Basic H2 as a diaper wash: Coupled with 1/2 tsp of Shaklee Basic G (a germicide), 1/4 tsp of Basic Hcan remove germs and odors from your cloth diapers. Leave a bit in your diaper pail to prevent odors there, as well.
Basic H2 as an insect repellant: You don't have to sucept yourself or your family to harsh chemicals and strong scents just to avoid bug bits. Rub a bit anywhere that you would put Off! or Skin-so-soft, and forget about it! This is one insect repellant that you can feel good about using for the youngest to the oldest members of your clan.
Basic H2 as Rain-X: Last (for our list, anyway) but not least, pour 3 1/2 tsp of Basic Hinto one quart of water, and use it as your windshield wash. Rain and slush will easily wipe away from your windshield, and bugs will slide away, as well.

hmmmm... banyaknya kegunaan Basic H ni....

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